


Business-as-usual has devastated large areas of our planet.

Our services are here to help you remedy the damage done. 

Our Services

What we can do for you...and most importantly:

together with you

Environmental Reporting


Who is this service for?

The environmental reports are designed to help:

1) Companies and limited liability partnerships in complying with the Companies Act 2006, Regulations 2013 and the Companies Directors’ Report and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and
Carbon Report) Regulations 2018; and

2) All organisations with      voluntary reporting on a range of environmental matters, including voluntary energy and GHG emissions reporting, and through the use of key performance indicators KPIs).

Sustainability Assessment 

Assessing your premises and identifying opportunities for improved sustainability.

This includes your energy supply and usage, building layout and facilities, people and resource management and your environmental footprint. 


Identifying Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and compiling a CO2 equivalent report. 

We can support you with achieving a more sustainable way of doing business and guide you towards reasonably achievable outcomes. 

Project Management

The information gathered from the sustainability assessment will be used to create a framework for  projects to be initialised in the short- to medium term.

A GANTT chart with timeline will help bring the planned projects to successful conclusion. Timely and within budgetary constraints.

Where applicable, we support applications for grants and  incentives to bring your projects to life in the shortest time possible. 

Assessment process

Determined by your desired outcome, we will assess accounting data, site structures and site parameters to establish the best way forward

Project Management

The outcomes of the site assessment are used to establish a best-case-scenario project plan, in accordance with the desired aims - set by you. 


At every step of the way, you will receive regular updates and reports. 

Let's work together!

Your first appointment is free

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